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Aleksey Viktorovich
1. The main research subjects
Structural analysis, fission-track dating of apatite and zircon, Mesozoic thrust-fold belts, the convergent boundary settings, Koryak Upland, Kamchatka, Russian Far East
2. Education
1988 - 1993 Geology Department of Moscow State University. During the education had been working under the direction of professor N.V. Koronovskii. The work was concerned with Caucasian part of Mediterranean belt volcanism.
Master thesis "Geological structure and geochemistry of the ultramafic and mafic massif Seynav (Koryak upland)", adviser - Prof. N.A. Bogdanov. Speciality - geologist, specialization - geological mapping, research and exploration of minerals deposits.
1993 - 1997 The Institute of Lithosphere (Russian Academy of Sciences), post-graduate.
Ph.D. thesis: "Geological structure and kinematics of Vatyno-Vyvenka thrust (Koryak upland)", adviser - Prof. N.A. Bogdanov.
2005 - Geological Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences).
Thesis for a Doctor's degree: "Investigations of the tectonic evolution of the convergent plate boundary by fission-track dating and structural analysis"
3. Experience
1993 - 1996 - the junior researcher at the Institute of Lithosphere (RAS).
1997 - 1999 - the researcher at the Institute of Lithosphere (RAS).
1999 - 2004 - the executive secretary at the Institute of Lithosphere (RAS).
2004 - now - the head of mineralogical and fission-track dating laboratory Geological Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences).Field areas: Caucasus, Kamchatka, Koryak Upland, Crimea.
Excursions: Appalachians (North America), Scandinavian Caledonians. Dagestan
4. Grants, awards.
1995 - Grant of International Soros Science Education Programme, grant ¹ à1471;
1996 - Grant of International Soros Science Education Programme, grant ¹ à96-2176;
1995 - 1996 Grant OGGGGN RAS "Hope" - head;
1995 - 1998 Grant NSF "Collaborative Research: Cenozoic Collision of the Olutorsky Volcanic Arc, Northern Kamchatka, Russian Far East", EAR 94-18990, EAR 94-18989 - member;
1998 - 2000 Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ¹ 98-05-64525 - head;
1998-1999 - Research visit to Union College (Schenectady, NY) Study of the Fission track dating
1998 - 2000 Grant of the fifth competition of Russian Academy of Sciences commission "The kinematics of tectonic suture between Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka microplates" - head;
2000 - 2003 Grant NSF Polar programs "Cenozoic evolution of the Aleutian-Kamchatka junction" OPP-9911910 -member;
2000-2003 - The national scientific scholarship for young scientists;
2001 - Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences;
2002-2004 - Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ¹ 02-05-64967 " Application of the fission-track dating of zircon and apatite for solving of the tectonic problems" - head;
2003-2005 - Project of the Earth Research Branch of RAS "Isotope geology: geochronology and material sources" (Program 6);
2004-2006 - Grant CRDF #RG1-2568-MO-03, "The development of fission-track dating laboratory at Geological Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences)." - head;
2004-2005 - Scholarship of The Russian Science Support Foundation;
2005-2007 - Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research ¹05-05-64066 " Tectonic evolution of metamorphic core complexes on convergent plate
boundaries: geochronology, structural analysis, modeling " - head.
5. Printing
2016 |
A. I. Khisamutdinovaa, A. V. Solov’eva, b, and D. V. Rozhkova Provenance Analysis for Middle Eocene Sediments in the West Kamchatka Sedimentary Basin (Tigil Area) Lithology and Mineral Resources, 2016, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 310–332. |
2015 |
A. V. Soloviev, M. V. Luchitskaya, O. B. Selyangin, and J. K. Hourigan Late Cretaceous Magmatism in the Sredinnyi Range of Kamchatka: Geochronology and Composition Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2015, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 57–78. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015. Original Russian Text © A.V. Soloviev, M.V. Luchitskaya, O.B. Selyangin, J.K. Hourigan, 2015, published in Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya, 2015, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 60–82. | |
2013 |
Elizabeth L. Miller a, Alexey V. Soloviev b, Andrei V. Prokopiev c, Jaime Toro d, Dan Harris d, Alexander B. Kuzmichev b, George E. Gehrels e Triassic river systems and the paleo-Pacific margin of northwestern Pangea E.L. Miller et al. / Gondwana Research 23 (2013) 1631–1645 |
2010 |
M. V. Luchitskaya and A. V. Soloviev Campanian Stage of Granite Formation in the South of the Sredinnyi Range in Kamchatka: New U–Pb SHRIMP Data//Doklady Earth Sciences, 2010, Vol. 430, Part 1, pp. 22–27. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010. | |
O. Mazarovich, A. V. Soloviev, A. V. Moiseev, D. M. Ol’shanetskii, and A.
I. Khisamutdinova Deformations in Tertiary Complexes of Western Kamchatka
(Tochilo Section) // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2010, Vol. 433, Part 1, pp. 851–855. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010. |
A. V. Solov’ev and M. A. Rogov First FissionTrack Dating of Zirconsfrom Mesozoic Complexes of the Crimea //Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2010, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 298–306. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010 | |
J.K., Brandon, M.T., Soloviev, A.V., Kirmasov, A.B., Garver, J.I., Stevenson
J., Reiners, P.W. Eocene arc-continent collision and crustal consolidation
in Kamchatka, Russian Far East // American Journal of Science. Vol. 309.
May. 2009. p. 333-396. |
G. V., Nosova A. A., Soloviev A. V. "Calc-Alkaline" Magmatism
of the Omgon Range: Evidence for Early Paleogene Extension in the Western
Kamchatka Segment of the Eurasian Continental Margin // Petrology. Vol.
14. ¹2. 2006. pp. 154-186. |
M.N. and Solov’ev A.V. Formation of the Olyutorsky-Kamchatka foldbelt: a
kinematic model // Russian Geology and Geophysics 50 (2009) 668–681 |
M. Rosen, A. V. Soloviev and D. Z. Zhuravlev Thermal Evolution of the Northeastern
Siberian Platform in the Light of Apatite Fission-Track Dating of the Deep Drill Core IZVESTIYA, PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH Vol. 45 No. 10 2009 |
E., Soloviev A., Kuzmichev A., Gehrels G., Toro J., Tuchkova M. Jurassic
and Cretaceous foreland basin deposits of the Russian Arctic: Separated
by birth of the Makarov Basin? // Norwegian Journal of Geology. Vol. 88.
¹ 4. pp. 201-226. Trondheim 2008. ISSN 029-196X. |
M.V. Luchitskaya, A.V. Solov’ev, J.K. Hourigan, Two Stages of Granite Formation in the Sredinny Range, Kamchatka: Tectonic and Geodynamic Setting of Granitic Rocks 2008, published in Geotektonika, 2008, No. 4, pp. 49–69. Geotectonics, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 286–304. | |
M.N. Shapiro, A.V. Solov’ev, J.K. Hourigan, Lateral Structural Variability in Zone of Eocene Island-Arc–Continent Collision, Kamchatka. Geotektonika, 2008, No. 6, pp. 71–91. Geotectonics, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 469–487. | |
A.V., Palechek T.N., Shapiro M.N., Johnston S.A., Garver J.I., and Ol’shanetskii
D.M. New Data on the Baraba Formation Age (the Sredinnyi Range of Kamchatka)
// Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, V. 15. N 1. 2007. pp. 112 -
119. |
G. V., Nosova A. A., Soloviev A. V. "Calc-Alkaline" Magmatism
of the Omgon Range: Evidence for Early Paleogene Extension in the Western
Kamchatka Segment of the Eurasian Continental Margin // Petrology. Vol.
14. ¹2. 2006. pp. 154-186) |
M.N., Soloviev A.V., Ledneva G.V. Is there any relation between the Hawaiian-Emperor
seamount chain bend at 43 Ma and the evolution of the Kamchatka continental
margin? // published, 16 June
2006. |
Soloviev A.V., Garver J.I., Ledneva G.V. Accretionary complex related to Okhotsk-Chukotka Subduction, Omgon Range, Western Kamchatka, Russian Far East // Journal of Asian Earth Science. 2006. Volume 27, Issue 4 , Pages 437-453. | |
B. Kyzmichev, A. V. Soloviev, V. E. Gonikberg, M. N. Shapiro, and O. V.
Zamzhitskii Mesozoic Syncollision Siliciclastic Sediments of the Bol'shoi
Lyakhov Island (New Siberian Islands) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,
V. 14. N 1. 2006. pp. 30-48. |
E. Verzhbitsky , M. N. Shapiro, A. V. Soloviev , and A. E. Goldyrev New
Data on the Structure of the Accretionary Prism in Karaginskii Island (Bering
Sea) // Doklady Earth Science. Vol. 405. No. 8. 2005. pp. 1150-1154. |
A.B. Kirmasov, A.V. Soloviev, J.K. Hourigan Collision and Postcollision Structural Evolution of the Andrianovka Suture, Sredinny Range, Kamchatka // Geotectonics. Vol. 38. ¹ 4. 2004. pp. 294-316. | |
A.V. Soloviev, J. K. Hourigan, M. T. Brandon, J. I. Garver, and E. S. Grigorenko The Age of the Baraba Formation Inferred from the U/Pb (SHRIMP) Dating (Sredinnyi Range, Kamchatka): Geological Consequences // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, V. 12. N 4. 2004. pp. 418 - 424. | |
Soloviev A.V., Shapiro M.N., Garver J.I., and Lander A.V. Formation of the East Kamchatkan accretionary prism based on fission-track dating of detrital zircons from terrigene rocks // Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2004. V. 45. ¹ 11. pp. 1237-1247. | |
J. K. Hourigan, A. V. Soloviev, G. V. Ledneva, J. I. Garver, M. T. Brandon, and P. W. Reiners Timing of Syenite Intrusions on the Eastern Slope of the Sredinnyi Range, Kamchatka: Rate of Accretionary Structure Exhumation // Geochemistry International. 2004. Vol. 42. No. 2. Pp. 97-105. | |
M. N. Shapiro, A. V. Soloviev, J. I. Garver, E. A. Shcherbinina, G. V. Ledneva, and M. T. Brandon Age of Terrigenous Rocks of Northeastern Karaginski Island (Eastern Kamchatka) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, V. 12. N 2. 2004. pp. 188-198. | |
Kuzmichev A.B., Soloviev A.V. Mesozoic flysch on the Big Lyakhov Island (New Siberian Islands): age, provenance and tectonic setting // Arctic Geology, Energy Resources and Environmental Challenges. NGF Abstract and Proceedings. 2004. ¹ 2. pp. 80-82. | |
Bogdanov N.A., Soloviev A.V., Garver J.I., Ledneva G.V., Palechek T.N., Lander A.V., Garver J.I., Verzhbitskii V.E., Kurilov D.V. The Structure of the Cretaceous Accretionary Prism in the Omgon Range, West Kamchatka // Geotectonics. Vol. 37. ¹4. 2003. pp. 316-327. | |
Bondarenko G.E., Soloviev A.V., Tuchkova M.I., Garver J.I., and Podgornyi I. I. Age of Detrital Zircons from Sandstones of the Mesozoic Flysch Formation in the South Anyui Suture Zone (Western Chukotka) Lithology and Mineral Resources. Vol. 38. No 2. 2003. pp. 162 - 176. | |
Palechek T.N., Soloviev A.V., Shapiro M.N. Structure and Age of Mesozoic Sedimentary-Volcanogenic Deposits of the Palana Section (Western Kamchatka) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, V. 11. N 3. 2003. pp. 261-277. | |
Hourigan J. K., Brandon M. T., Garver J. I., Soloviev A. V., Bondarenko G. Y., Reiners P. High-grade metamorphism of paleocene sediments in an arc-continent collision zone: an integrated SHRIMP zircon and thermochronologic investigation of the east flank of the Sredinniy Range, Kamchatka Peninsula. // In Hourigan J.H. Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Northeast Russian margin. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Stanford University. 2003. pp. 120-155. | |
G. E. Bondarenko, A. V. Soloviev, M. I. Tuchkova, J. I. Garver, and I. I. Podgornyi First Results of the Zircon Fission-Track Dating of Mesozoic Flysch Sediments in the South Anyui Suture (Western Chukotka, Northeast Asia) // Transactions (Doklady) of Russian Academy of Science / Earth Science Sections. V. 387A. N 9. 2002. Pp. 1012-1017. | |
Soloviev A.V., Shapiro M.N., Garver J.I. Lesnaya nappe, Northern Kamchatka // Geotectonics. 2002. Vol. 36. No 6. pp. 469-482. | |
Soloviev A.V., Garver J.I. Fission-track study of the Omgon accretionary complex, Western Kamchatka (Russian Far East): possible northern continuation of the Shimanto belt (Japan) // International Workshop on "Fission-track Analysis: theory and application". Cadiz, Spain. Geotemas. 2002. V. 4. p. 143-146. | |
Soloviev A.V., Shapiro M.N., Garver J.I., Shcherbinina E.A., and Kravchenko-Berezhnoy I.R. New age data from the Lesnaya Group: A key to understanding the timing of arc-continent collision, Kamchatka, Russia // The Island Arc. 2002. Vol. 11 (1). pp. 79-90. | |
Soloviev A.V., Brandon M.T., Garver J.I., Shapiro M.N. Kinematics of the Vatyn-Lesnaya thrust fault (Southern Koryakia) // Geotectonics. 2001. Vol. 35. No 6. pp. 471-489. | |
Soloviev A.V., Garver J.I., and Shapiro M.N. Fission-Track Dating of Detrital Zircons from Sandstones of the Lesnaya Group, Northern Kamchatka // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, V. 9. N 3. 2001. pp. 293 - 303. | |
Soloviev A.V., Shapiro M.N., Garver J.I., 2001, Velocity of collisional thrusting (Lesnaya thrust, Northern Kamchatka) // Bull. Mosk. Obschestva Ispyt. Prir., Otd. Geol. Vol. 76, No 5, pp. 29-32 (In Russian) | |
Shapiro M.N., Solovyov A.V. Structure and evolution of the Lesnaya Thrust (Northern Kamchatka) // Geol. of Pac. Ocean. 2001. Vol. 16. pp. 1071-1090. | |
Shapiro M.N., Soloviev A.V., Garver J.I., Brandon M.T. Sources of Zircon from Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene terrigenous sequences of the Sourthern Koryak Upland and Western Kamchatka // Lithology and Mineral Resources. Vol. 36, No 4, 2001, pp. 322-336. | |
Shapiro M.N., Soloviev A.V., Shcherbinina E.A., Kravchenko-Berezhnoi, and Garver J.I. New data on the time of collision of Island Arc with the continent on Kamchatka // Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol. 42. 2001. No 5. pp. 841-851. | |
Garver J.I., Soloviev A.V., Kamp P.J.J., Brandon M.T. Detrital zircon fission-track thermochronology: practical considerations and examples // In S.Martin & R.Polino (Eds). Fission track analysis: theory and application. Memorie di Scienze Geologiche (In English). PAVODA. 1999. v. 51/2. p. 454-456. | |
Ledneva G.V., Soloviev A.V., Garver J.I. Massifs of the Heterogeneous Mafic-Ultramafic Complex of the Olyutorsky Zone, Koryak Mountains: Petrology and Geodynamic Aspects // Petrology. V. 8. ¹5. 2000. pp. 428-454. | |
Soloviev A.V., Brandon M.T. Cutoff Method for Kinematic Analysis of Fault in Stratified Sequences // Geotectonics. Vol. 34. ¹4. 2000. Pp. 332-342. | |
Soloviev A.V., Palechek T.N., Ledneva G.V. Campanian-Maastrichtian Deposits in the Frontal Part of the Olyutor Zone (Southern Koryak Upland) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. Vol. 8. ¹ 2. 2000. pp. 187-194.). | |
Garver J.I., Soloviev A.V., Bullen M.E., Brandon M.T. Towards a More Complete Record of Magmatism and Exhumation in Continental Arcs, Using Detrital Fission-Track Thermochrometry // Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, Part A: Solid Earth And Geodesy (25). 6-7. 2000. pp. 565-570. | |
Bogdanov N.A., Garver J.I., Chekhovich V.D., Palechek T.N., Ledneva G.V., Soloviev A.V., and Kovalenko D.V. Stratigraphic and Tectonic Setting of the Olistostromal Flysch complex, Western Aleutian Basin, Northern Kamchatka Peninsula // Geotectonics. Vol. 33. ¹ 5. 1999. pp. 386-398. | |
Ledneva G.V., Soloviev A.V. Geological structure and tectonic evolution of the central part of the Olyutorsky Ridge in Koryak Highlands (In Russian with English abstract). Izv. Vuzov. Geologiya i Razvedka. 1999. ¹ 3. pp. 12 - 22. | |
Soloviev A.V. The structure of the northern part of the joint area of the Olutorskaya and Ukelayatskaya zones in the Koryak highland. (In Russian with English abstract). Izv. Vuzov. Geologiya i Razvedka. 1998. ¹3. pp. 23 - 31. | |
Soloviev, A.V., Brandon, M.T., Garver, J.I., Bogdanov, N.A., Shapiro, M.N., and Ledneva, G.V., 1998, Collision of the Olyutor Island Arc with the Eurasian Continental margin: Kinematic and age aspects. Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 361, n 5, p. 632-634. | |
Soloviev A.V., Palechek T.N., Palechek R.M. Tectonostratigraphy of the Northern Olutor Zone (Anastasiya Bay area of Koryak Highland) // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, V. 6. N 4. 1998. pp. 408 - 421. | |
Kovalenko D.V., Yarmolyuk V.V., Soloviev A.V. Migration of volcanic center of the South Khangai hot spot: paleomagnetic evidence // Geotectonics. V. 31. N 3. 1997. pp. 228-235. | |
Kovalenko D.V., Shcherbinina E.A., Shikova T.N., Soloviev A.V., Pachkalov A.S. Paleomagnetism of Flysch-Olistostromic Sequence from the Eastern Olutorsk Range // Transactions (Doklady) of Russian Academy of Science / Earth Science Sections. V. 346. N 1. 1996. pp. 45 -47. | |
Kovalenko D.V., Il'in M.I., Soloviev A.V., Remizova L.L. Paleomagnetism of the Island-Arc and Oceanic Complexes in the Central Part of the Olutorskii Ridge // Transactions (Doklady) of Russian Academy of Science / Earth Science Sections. V. 349A. N 6. 1996. pp. 914 -917. | |
Soloviev A.V. Peculiarities of Tectonic Evolution of the Flyschoid Olistostrome Complex of the Western Shore of the Aleutian Basin // Transactions (Doklady) of Russian Academy of Science / Earth Science Sections. V. 351. N 9. 1996. pp. 1373 - 1376 |